Antiquariat F. Neidhardt
» seit 1953 «

Seltene und illustrierte Bücher
des 15. bis 20. Jahrhunderts.
Schöne und ungewöhnliche
Objekte des Antiquariats.

Antiquariat F. Neidhardt
Antiquariat F. Neidhardt
Antiquariat F. Neidhardt
Antiquariat F. Neidhardt
Antiquariat F. Neidhardt
Antiquariat F. Neidhardt
Antiquariat F. Neidhardt
Antiquariat F. Neidhardt
Antiquariat F. Neidhardt
Antiquariat F. Neidhardt
Antiquariat F. Neidhardt
Antiquariat F. Neidhardt
Antiquariat F. Neidhardt
Antiquariat F. Neidhardt
Antiquariat F. Neidhardt


De Kay, Natural history of New York. Part II: Birds.

De Kay, J.E., Natural history of New York. Part II: Birds.
De Kay, J.E., Natural history of New York. Part II: Birds.
De Kay, J.E., Natural history of New York. Part II: Birds.
De Kay, J.E., Natural history of New York. Part II: Birds.
De Kay, J.E., Natural history of New York. Part II: Birds.
De Kay, J.E., Natural history of New York. Part II: Birds.
De Kay, J.E., Natural history of New York. Part II: Birds.
De Kay, J.E., Natural history of New York. Part II: Birds.
De Kay, J.E., Natural history of New York. Part II: Birds.
De Kay, J.E., Natural history of New York. Part II: Birds.
De Kay, J.E., Natural history of New York. Part II: Birds.
De Kay, J.E., Natural history of New York. Part II: Birds.
De Kay, J.E., Natural history of New York. Part II: Birds.
De Kay, J.E., Natural history of New York. Part II: Birds.
De Kay, J.E., Natural history of New York. Part II: Birds.
De Kay, J.E., Natural history of New York. Part II: Birds.
De Kay, J.E., Natural history of New York. Part II: Birds.
De Kay, J.E., Natural history of New York. Part II: Birds.
De Kay, J.E., Natural history of New York. Part II: Birds.
De Kay, J.E., Natural history of New York. Part II: Birds.
De Kay, J.E., Natural history of New York. Part II: Birds.
De Kay, J.E., Natural history of New York. Part II: Birds.
De Kay, J.E., Natural history of New York. Part II: Birds.
De Kay, J.E., Natural history of New York. Part II: Birds.
De Kay, J.E., Natural history of New York. Part II: Birds.
De Kay, J.E., Natural history of New York. Part II: Birds.
De Kay, J.E., Natural history of New York. Part II: Birds.
De Kay, J.E., Natural history of New York. Part II: Birds.
De Kay, J.E., Natural history of New York. Part II: Birds.
De Kay, J.E., Natural history of New York. Part II: Birds.
De Kay, J.E., Natural history of New York. Part II: Birds.
De Kay, J.E., Natural history of New York. Part II: Birds.

De Kay, J.E.,

Natural history of New York. Part II: Birds.

€ 1.400.–

Albany, Carroll & Cook, 1844.
4°. XII, 380 (recte 378) S. Mit gestoch. Titel und 307 Vogeldarstellungen auf 141 handkolorierten Lithographien nach Zeichnungen von J.W. Hill. Leinenbd. mit montiertem Rückentitel und zwei figürlichen Vignetten des Verlagseinbandes in Goldgrägung.

Eines von nur 300 Exemplaren der kolorierten Vorzugsausgabe.– Komplette Abteilung der Ornithologie des 20 Bde. umfassenden Werks zur Allgemeinen Naturgeschichte New Yorks.– Gutes, nur vereinzelt minimal gebräuntes oder fleckiges Exemplar, 1 Tafel angerändert, 2 Tafeln mit hinterlegtem Einriß.– Nissen IVB 227. Zimmer I, 164.

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