Antiquariat F. Neidhardt
» seit 1953 «

Seltene und illustrierte Bücher
des 15. bis 20. Jahrhunderts.
Schöne und ungewöhnliche
Objekte des Antiquariats.

Antiquariat F. Neidhardt
Antiquariat F. Neidhardt
Antiquariat F. Neidhardt
Antiquariat F. Neidhardt
Antiquariat F. Neidhardt
Antiquariat F. Neidhardt
Antiquariat F. Neidhardt
Antiquariat F. Neidhardt
Antiquariat F. Neidhardt
Antiquariat F. Neidhardt
Antiquariat F. Neidhardt
Antiquariat F. Neidhardt
Antiquariat F. Neidhardt
Antiquariat F. Neidhardt
Antiquariat F. Neidhardt


Tredgold, The principles and practice and explanation

Tredgold, Th., The principles and practice and explanation of the machinery of locomotive engines in operation on the several lines of railway…With descriptive text.
Tredgold, Th., The principles and practice and explanation of the machinery of locomotive engines in operation on the several lines of railway…With descriptive text.
Tredgold, Th., The principles and practice and explanation of the machinery of locomotive engines in operation on the several lines of railway…With descriptive text.
Tredgold, Th., The principles and practice and explanation of the machinery of locomotive engines in operation on the several lines of railway…With descriptive text.
Tredgold, Th., The principles and practice and explanation of the machinery of locomotive engines in operation on the several lines of railway…With descriptive text.
Tredgold, Th., The principles and practice and explanation of the machinery of locomotive engines in operation on the several lines of railway…With descriptive text.
Tredgold, Th., The principles and practice and explanation of the machinery of locomotive engines in operation on the several lines of railway…With descriptive text.
Tredgold, Th., The principles and practice and explanation of the machinery of locomotive engines in operation on the several lines of railway…With descriptive text.
Tredgold, Th., The principles and practice and explanation of the machinery of locomotive engines in operation on the several lines of railway…With descriptive text.
Tredgold, Th., The principles and practice and explanation of the machinery of locomotive engines in operation on the several lines of railway…With descriptive text.
Tredgold, Th., The principles and practice and explanation of the machinery of locomotive engines in operation on the several lines of railway…With descriptive text.
Tredgold, Th., The principles and practice and explanation of the machinery of locomotive engines in operation on the several lines of railway…With descriptive text.
Tredgold, Th., The principles and practice and explanation of the machinery of locomotive engines in operation on the several lines of railway…With descriptive text.
Tredgold, Th., The principles and practice and explanation of the machinery of locomotive engines in operation on the several lines of railway…With descriptive text.
Tredgold, Th., The principles and practice and explanation of the machinery of locomotive engines in operation on the several lines of railway…With descriptive text.
Tredgold, Th., The principles and practice and explanation of the machinery of locomotive engines in operation on the several lines of railway…With descriptive text.
Tredgold, Th., The principles and practice and explanation of the machinery of locomotive engines in operation on the several lines of railway…With descriptive text.
Tredgold, Th., The principles and practice and explanation of the machinery of locomotive engines in operation on the several lines of railway…With descriptive text.
Tredgold, Th., The principles and practice and explanation of the machinery of locomotive engines in operation on the several lines of railway…With descriptive text.
Tredgold, Th., The principles and practice and explanation of the machinery of locomotive engines in operation on the several lines of railway…With descriptive text.
Tredgold, Th., The principles and practice and explanation of the machinery of locomotive engines in operation on the several lines of railway…With descriptive text.
Tredgold, Th., The principles and practice and explanation of the machinery of locomotive engines in operation on the several lines of railway…With descriptive text.
Tredgold, Th., The principles and practice and explanation of the machinery of locomotive engines in operation on the several lines of railway…With descriptive text.
Tredgold, Th., The principles and practice and explanation of the machinery of locomotive engines in operation on the several lines of railway…With descriptive text.
Tredgold, Th., The principles and practice and explanation of the machinery of locomotive engines in operation on the several lines of railway…With descriptive text.
Tredgold, Th., The principles and practice and explanation of the machinery of locomotive engines in operation on the several lines of railway…With descriptive text.
Tredgold, Th., The principles and practice and explanation of the machinery of locomotive engines in operation on the several lines of railway…With descriptive text.
Tredgold, Th., The principles and practice and explanation of the machinery of locomotive engines in operation on the several lines of railway…With descriptive text.
Tredgold, Th., The principles and practice and explanation of the machinery of locomotive engines in operation on the several lines of railway…With descriptive text.
Tredgold, Th., The principles and practice and explanation of the machinery of locomotive engines in operation on the several lines of railway…With descriptive text.

Tredgold, Th.,

The principles and practice and explanation of the machinery of locomotive engines in operation on the several lines of railway…With descriptive text.

€ 980.–

London, J. Weale, (1848-) 1850.
10 Teile in 1 Bd. 4°. Mit 41 (38 mehrf. gefalt.) Stahlstichtafeln und 55 Textholzstichen. Halblederbd. der Zeit mit goldgepr. Rückentitel.

Abteilung A des Werks „The steam engine“. Es erschienen noch Teil B (Marine engines) und Teil C (Stationary engines).– Reich illustriertes und wissenschaftlich fundiertes Werk über Lokomotiven mit 10 Beiträgen von J. Sewell, J. Samuel, R. Armstrong, H.B. Barlow, E. Woods u.a. mit den wichtigsten Neuerungen seit der letzten Auflage.– Vordergelenk oben leicht angeplatzt, kleiner Wasserrand auf dem Vorderdeckel, Titel, Vorwort und Index vor Teil 9 gebunden. Titel gestempelt, gefalt. Tafeln tls. etw. angestaubt, 2 übergroße Tafeln mit kleinen Randläsuren, insgesamt sauberes Exemplar.

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