Antiquariat F. Neidhardt
» seit 1953 «

Seltene und illustrierte Bücher
des 15. bis 20. Jahrhunderts.
Schöne und ungewöhnliche
Objekte des Antiquariats.

Antiquariat F. Neidhardt
Antiquariat F. Neidhardt
Antiquariat F. Neidhardt
Antiquariat F. Neidhardt
Antiquariat F. Neidhardt
Antiquariat F. Neidhardt
Antiquariat F. Neidhardt
Antiquariat F. Neidhardt
Antiquariat F. Neidhardt
Antiquariat F. Neidhardt
Antiquariat F. Neidhardt
Antiquariat F. Neidhardt
Antiquariat F. Neidhardt
Antiquariat F. Neidhardt
Antiquariat F. Neidhardt


Sweet, The Florist's Guide, and the Cultivator's Directory;

Sweet, Robert, The Florist’s Guide, and the Cultivator’s Directory; containing coloured figures of the choicest flowers, cultivated by florists; including ranunculas, carnations, picotees, pinks, georginas, polyanthus, auriculas, hyacinths, and tulips, with their descriptions, and an account of the most approved methods of culture.
Sweet, Robert, The Florist’s Guide, and the Cultivator’s Directory; containing coloured figures of the choicest flowers, cultivated by florists; including ranunculas, carnations, picotees, pinks, georginas, polyanthus, auriculas, hyacinths, and tulips, with their descriptions, and an account of the most approved methods of culture.
Sweet, Robert, The Florist’s Guide, and the Cultivator’s Directory; containing coloured figures of the choicest flowers, cultivated by florists; including ranunculas, carnations, picotees, pinks, georginas, polyanthus, auriculas, hyacinths, and tulips, with their descriptions, and an account of the most approved methods of culture.
Sweet, Robert, The Florist’s Guide, and the Cultivator’s Directory; containing coloured figures of the choicest flowers, cultivated by florists; including ranunculas, carnations, picotees, pinks, georginas, polyanthus, auriculas, hyacinths, and tulips, with their descriptions, and an account of the most approved methods of culture.
Sweet, Robert, The Florist’s Guide, and the Cultivator’s Directory; containing coloured figures of the choicest flowers, cultivated by florists; including ranunculas, carnations, picotees, pinks, georginas, polyanthus, auriculas, hyacinths, and tulips, with their descriptions, and an account of the most approved methods of culture.
Sweet, Robert, The Florist’s Guide, and the Cultivator’s Directory; containing coloured figures of the choicest flowers, cultivated by florists; including ranunculas, carnations, picotees, pinks, georginas, polyanthus, auriculas, hyacinths, and tulips, with their descriptions, and an account of the most approved methods of culture.
Sweet, Robert, The Florist’s Guide, and the Cultivator’s Directory; containing coloured figures of the choicest flowers, cultivated by florists; including ranunculas, carnations, picotees, pinks, georginas, polyanthus, auriculas, hyacinths, and tulips, with their descriptions, and an account of the most approved methods of culture.
Sweet, Robert, The Florist’s Guide, and the Cultivator’s Directory; containing coloured figures of the choicest flowers, cultivated by florists; including ranunculas, carnations, picotees, pinks, georginas, polyanthus, auriculas, hyacinths, and tulips, with their descriptions, and an account of the most approved methods of culture.
Sweet, Robert, The Florist’s Guide, and the Cultivator’s Directory; containing coloured figures of the choicest flowers, cultivated by florists; including ranunculas, carnations, picotees, pinks, georginas, polyanthus, auriculas, hyacinths, and tulips, with their descriptions, and an account of the most approved methods of culture.
Sweet, Robert, The Florist’s Guide, and the Cultivator’s Directory; containing coloured figures of the choicest flowers, cultivated by florists; including ranunculas, carnations, picotees, pinks, georginas, polyanthus, auriculas, hyacinths, and tulips, with their descriptions, and an account of the most approved methods of culture.
Sweet, Robert, The Florist’s Guide, and the Cultivator’s Directory; containing coloured figures of the choicest flowers, cultivated by florists; including ranunculas, carnations, picotees, pinks, georginas, polyanthus, auriculas, hyacinths, and tulips, with their descriptions, and an account of the most approved methods of culture.
Sweet, Robert, The Florist’s Guide, and the Cultivator’s Directory; containing coloured figures of the choicest flowers, cultivated by florists; including ranunculas, carnations, picotees, pinks, georginas, polyanthus, auriculas, hyacinths, and tulips, with their descriptions, and an account of the most approved methods of culture.
Sweet, Robert, The Florist’s Guide, and the Cultivator’s Directory; containing coloured figures of the choicest flowers, cultivated by florists; including ranunculas, carnations, picotees, pinks, georginas, polyanthus, auriculas, hyacinths, and tulips, with their descriptions, and an account of the most approved methods of culture.
Sweet, Robert, The Florist’s Guide, and the Cultivator’s Directory; containing coloured figures of the choicest flowers, cultivated by florists; including ranunculas, carnations, picotees, pinks, georginas, polyanthus, auriculas, hyacinths, and tulips, with their descriptions, and an account of the most approved methods of culture.
Sweet, Robert, The Florist’s Guide, and the Cultivator’s Directory; containing coloured figures of the choicest flowers, cultivated by florists; including ranunculas, carnations, picotees, pinks, georginas, polyanthus, auriculas, hyacinths, and tulips, with their descriptions, and an account of the most approved methods of culture.
Sweet, Robert, The Florist’s Guide, and the Cultivator’s Directory; containing coloured figures of the choicest flowers, cultivated by florists; including ranunculas, carnations, picotees, pinks, georginas, polyanthus, auriculas, hyacinths, and tulips, with their descriptions, and an account of the most approved methods of culture.
Sweet, Robert, The Florist’s Guide, and the Cultivator’s Directory; containing coloured figures of the choicest flowers, cultivated by florists; including ranunculas, carnations, picotees, pinks, georginas, polyanthus, auriculas, hyacinths, and tulips, with their descriptions, and an account of the most approved methods of culture.
Sweet, Robert, The Florist’s Guide, and the Cultivator’s Directory; containing coloured figures of the choicest flowers, cultivated by florists; including ranunculas, carnations, picotees, pinks, georginas, polyanthus, auriculas, hyacinths, and tulips, with their descriptions, and an account of the most approved methods of culture.
Sweet, Robert, The Florist’s Guide, and the Cultivator’s Directory; containing coloured figures of the choicest flowers, cultivated by florists; including ranunculas, carnations, picotees, pinks, georginas, polyanthus, auriculas, hyacinths, and tulips, with their descriptions, and an account of the most approved methods of culture.
Sweet, Robert, The Florist’s Guide, and the Cultivator’s Directory; containing coloured figures of the choicest flowers, cultivated by florists; including ranunculas, carnations, picotees, pinks, georginas, polyanthus, auriculas, hyacinths, and tulips, with their descriptions, and an account of the most approved methods of culture.
Sweet, Robert, The Florist’s Guide, and the Cultivator’s Directory; containing coloured figures of the choicest flowers, cultivated by florists; including ranunculas, carnations, picotees, pinks, georginas, polyanthus, auriculas, hyacinths, and tulips, with their descriptions, and an account of the most approved methods of culture.
Sweet, Robert, The Florist’s Guide, and the Cultivator’s Directory; containing coloured figures of the choicest flowers, cultivated by florists; including ranunculas, carnations, picotees, pinks, georginas, polyanthus, auriculas, hyacinths, and tulips, with their descriptions, and an account of the most approved methods of culture.
Sweet, Robert, The Florist’s Guide, and the Cultivator’s Directory; containing coloured figures of the choicest flowers, cultivated by florists; including ranunculas, carnations, picotees, pinks, georginas, polyanthus, auriculas, hyacinths, and tulips, with their descriptions, and an account of the most approved methods of culture.
Sweet, Robert, The Florist’s Guide, and the Cultivator’s Directory; containing coloured figures of the choicest flowers, cultivated by florists; including ranunculas, carnations, picotees, pinks, georginas, polyanthus, auriculas, hyacinths, and tulips, with their descriptions, and an account of the most approved methods of culture.
Sweet, Robert, The Florist’s Guide, and the Cultivator’s Directory; containing coloured figures of the choicest flowers, cultivated by florists; including ranunculas, carnations, picotees, pinks, georginas, polyanthus, auriculas, hyacinths, and tulips, with their descriptions, and an account of the most approved methods of culture.
Sweet, Robert, The Florist’s Guide, and the Cultivator’s Directory; containing coloured figures of the choicest flowers, cultivated by florists; including ranunculas, carnations, picotees, pinks, georginas, polyanthus, auriculas, hyacinths, and tulips, with their descriptions, and an account of the most approved methods of culture.
Sweet, Robert, The Florist’s Guide, and the Cultivator’s Directory; containing coloured figures of the choicest flowers, cultivated by florists; including ranunculas, carnations, picotees, pinks, georginas, polyanthus, auriculas, hyacinths, and tulips, with their descriptions, and an account of the most approved methods of culture.
Sweet, Robert, The Florist’s Guide, and the Cultivator’s Directory; containing coloured figures of the choicest flowers, cultivated by florists; including ranunculas, carnations, picotees, pinks, georginas, polyanthus, auriculas, hyacinths, and tulips, with their descriptions, and an account of the most approved methods of culture.

Sweet, Robert,

The Florist’s Guide, and the Cultivator’s Directory; containing coloured figures of the choicest flowers, cultivated by florists; including ranunculas, carnations, picotees, pinks, georginas, polyanthus, auriculas, hyacinths, and tulips, with their descriptions, and an account of the most approved methods of culture.

€ 8.500.–

London, J. Ridgway, 1827-32.
2 Bde. Gr.-8°. Titel, 100 num. Bl., Index; Titel Bl. 101-200, Index. Mit 200 fein kolorierten Kupfertafeln. Dekorative Halblederbde. der Zeit mit Rückenvergoldung und -blindprägung, marmorierter Schnitt.

Erste Ausgabe des Werks mit sehr dekorativen Tafeln schönblühender Gewächse.– Robert Sweet (1783-1835) war ein bekannter Gärtner, Botaniker und Ornithologe. Neben dem vorliegenden Werk veröffentlichte er weitere hübsch illustrierte Werke zu Kulturpflanzen, zwei Monographien zu Zistrosengewächsen und Geraniaceen, botanische Werke zu wilden Pflanzen sowie ein ornithologisches Werk. Die Tafeln zu seinen Werken wurden, zumeist, wie auch hier, von Edwin Dalton Smith gezeichnet, der als Angestellter mit den Royal Gardens in Kew verbunden war. Er wird von Blunt als ein „considerable artist of a small-scale work“ bezeichnet und die vorliegenden Tafeln dürften zu dem Höhepunkt seines Schaffens zählen. Gestochen wurden die Tafeln von J. Watts.– Hübsch gebundes und gut erhaltenes Exemplar, papierbedingt stellenweise minimal gebräunt oder fleckig. Die Tafeln mit zwischengebundenen Seidenpapieren sauber.– Nissen, BBI, 1925. Great Flower Books, 2. Aufl., S. 143. Dunthorne 296. Blunt, S. 212

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