My book selection focuses on illustrated books from the 15th century through to the first half of the 20th century.

In 1953, my late father Fritz Neidhardt (1925–2007) started the business.

Antiquariat F. Neidhardt
» est. 1953 «

Rare and illustrated books from the 15th to 20th centuries.
Beautiful and remarkable antiquarian objects.

Antiquariat F. Neidhardt
Antiquariat F. Neidhardt
Antiquariat F. Neidhardt
Antiquariat F. Neidhardt
Antiquariat F. Neidhardt
Antiquariat F. Neidhardt
Antiquariat F. Neidhardt


(Prentiss, Henry and Bessie; or, what they did in the country.

(Prentiss, Elizabeth), Henry and Bessie; or, what they did in the country.
(Prentiss, Elizabeth), Henry and Bessie; or, what they did in the country.
(Prentiss, Elizabeth), Henry and Bessie; or, what they did in the country.
(Prentiss, Elizabeth), Henry and Bessie; or, what they did in the country.
(Prentiss, Elizabeth), Henry and Bessie; or, what they did in the country.
(Prentiss, Elizabeth), Henry and Bessie; or, what they did in the country.

(Prentiss, Elizabeth),

Henry and Bessie; or, what they did in the country.

€ 70.–

New York, Randolph, 1863.
Kl.-8°. 198 S., 3 Bl. (Anzeigen). Mit 17 Holzschnitten von B. Foster. Orig.-Leinen (fleckig, Kapitale abgenützt, Ecken beschabt).

Vordergelenk locker, hinterer Vorsatz mit kleinem Eckausriß.

Please ask for an English translation.

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zoology art catalog Fritz Neidhardt book shopping

My book selection focuses on illustrated natural history, especially botany and zoology.